Reporting for Echocardiography (updated)

SOME HELPFUL HINTS AND REFERENCES Basics Always record the patient’s height, weight and blood pressure Comment on technical quality List the clinical indications  Use of language: Language is important in echocardiography. The terminology we use is specific and descriptive but must also be professional and concise. The use of standard terminology across the echo world... Continue Reading →

The Abominable Aorta

Do you routinely scan the abdominal aorta as part of your standard transthoracic protocol? Is this common practice? Here is a case that may encourage you to include it in your scan Disclaimer: Although the images are real, dates, places and people have been changed to protect the patient confidentiality. Patient: Male late 60's, presents... Continue Reading →

A standard Transthoracic Echocardiogram

I thought I'd start off with a normal echo performed to British Society of Echocardiography standards. As you can see, this was performed back in 2010 for my original BSE logbook. There have not been many changes to the protocol for a standard normal scan. Here is a link to the BSE Standard Guidelines    


An echocardiogram, also known as an echo, is a non-invasive test which uses sound waves to build up a detailed picture of your heart. It is similar to ultrasound scanning used in pregnancy.British Heart Foundation   Welcome to The Echo Nerd My name is Katherine Collins and this is what I am, an echo nerd.... Continue Reading →

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